2018年2月1日 星期四

遏阻中國國力投射 美國對華軟硬圍堵

<轉載自201821 明報 社評>






1990年代初,西方以一系列軍事外交部署和制裁圍堵中國。借用美國學者約瑟夫·奈(Joseph Nye)的概念,當年西方靠的是典型硬實力(Hard Power)壓制手段,謀求將中國侷促一隅。可是過去20多年中國發展快速,影響力放射全球,遠超西方想像。美國拉攏東南亞制華策略無果,所謂「第一島鏈」也再封鎖不了中國。「一帶一路」倡議,不僅可能改寫國際政經秩序,也是中國投射硬實力和軟實力(Soft Power)的機會。


中國崛起邁新階段 西方調整圍堵策略


經濟封殺是強制手段,理論上仍屬於硬圍堵。為了反制中國冒升中的軟實力,西方似乎亦有意加強「軟圍堵」輿論戰,務求令各國民眾對於中國的軟實力和正面論述,產生懷疑和抗拒。最近西方政界學界不少人談論「銳實力」(Sharp Power),認為中俄正打資訊戰,以不光彩手段左右外國輿論,影響西方以至其他國家對中俄的觀感,若說軟實力是透過理念游說別人,銳實力則是以造謠詐騙手法蒙蔽別人。然而「銳實力」概念不過是新瓶舊酒。奈教授指出,它其實是「硬實力」的一種,早在冷戰時代美蘇都有運用,以不實論述「蠱惑」人心。


US's hard and soft containment

IN delivering his State of the Union speech, US president Donald Trump expressed his view that China and Russia had challenged not only America's economy and its interests but also its values. That shows the US and the rest of the West increasingly consider now China's rise has not only marred the world's politico-economic order but also begun to undermine the advantage with which Western civilisation has over the past two hundred years dominated the globe. As China projects its hard power and soft power globally, the containment strategy the US used to employ at China's door no longer works. Because of this, the US and its Western allies seem to be readjusting their strategies. Apart from continuing to rely on conventional military and diplomatic means to effect "hard containment" against China, they have attached greater and greater importance to "soft containment" and other means with a view to preventing China from projecting out its influence.

In the early 1990s, the West contained China by means of a series of military and diplomatic deployments and sanctions. Applying the idea of Joseph Nye, a US academic, one may say the West then relied on typical hard-power repressive means in its attempt to corner China. However, having rapidly developed over the past two decades, China now projects its influence to all parts of the globe. That is far beyond the West's imagination. Not only may the "One Belt One Road" Initiative change the international politico-economic order, but it also gives China an opportunity to project its hard power and soft power.

To use hard power is to coerce others into submission. Soft power is mainly used to win hearts—to convince others with attractive expositions and an appealing image. The West has all along thought China weak in soft power. However, in the eyes of many developing countries, it is in expositions of the "the success of the China model", that China's soft power lies.

The West habitually uses economic sanctions in its containment offensives. Faced with China's rise, the West still has to use defence as a means of offence. There is a trend towards blocking Chinese products and businesses in the name of national security. Coercive in nature, economic blocking is theoretically a means of "hard containment". To counter China's soft power, which is growing, the West seems minded to step up its "soft containment" war of public opinion so that people in various countries will become doubtful about and averse to China's soft power and its positive expositions. Many Western academics and politicians have recently talked about "sharp power", saying China and Russia are waging information wars and resorting to ignominious means to affect public opinions in other countries and influence Western and other countries' perceptions of China and Russia. If to use soft power is to persuade others with ideas, to use sharp power is to hoodwink with rumours and lies.

George W Bush obviously used a great deal of "sharp power" ten-odd years ago when he called on other countries to support America's attack against Iraq. The use of sharp power is definitely not exclusive to China and Russia. When they talk volubly about China and Russia using "sharp power", certain Western commentators just try to emphasise "what China and Russia say is lies and what we say is truths". In the final analysis, it is a struggle for say in the world.

遏阻中國國力投射 美國對華軟硬圍堵


1990年代初,西方以一系列軍事外交部署和制裁圍堵中國。借用美國學者約瑟夫·奈(Joseph Nye)的概念,當年西方靠的是典型硬實力(Hard Power)壓制手段,謀求將中國侷促一隅。可是過去20多年中國發展快速,影響力放射全球,遠超西方想像。「一帶一路」倡議,不僅可能改寫國際政經秩序,也是中國投射硬實力和軟實力(Soft Power)的機會。


西方圍堵攻勢,慣用經濟制裁,可是面對中國崛起,西方現在還要以守為攻,趨勢之一是以國家安全之名,封殺中國產品和企業。經濟封殺是強制手段,理論上仍屬於硬圍堵。為了反制中國冒升中的軟實力,西方似乎亦有意加強「軟圍堵」輿論戰,務求令各國民眾對於中國的軟實力和正面論述,產生懷疑和抗拒。最近西方政界學界不少人談論「銳實力」(Sharp Power),認為中俄正打資訊戰,以不光彩手段左右外國輿論,影響西方以至其他國家對中俄的觀感,若說軟實力是透過理念游說別人,銳實力則是以造謠詐騙手法蒙蔽別人。


