2017年11月27日 星期一

反腐不應政治掛帥 依法治國不枉不縱

<轉載自20171127 明報 社評>


嚴控網絡並非個人行為 反腐肅貪突出政治問題




去年以來,中共在查處涉及貪腐高官時,愈來愈多地突出「政治問題」,在查處全國政協前常務副秘書長孫懷山、天津市前代理書記黃興國、遼寧省委前書記王珉、北京市委前副書記呂錫文等人的通報中,都出現了「嚴重違反政治紀律和政治規矩」、「妄議中央」等字眼。十九大期間,中證監主席劉士余在發言中,更公開批前兩任重慶市委書記薄熙來和孫政才、中央政法委前書記周永康、全國政協前副主席令計劃、兩名中央軍委前副主席徐才厚和郭伯雄等人「陰謀篡黨奪權」,令人「觸目驚心」 。在中共十九大展覽中,上述高官的被查處也被形容為「消除重大政治隱患」。


講政治勿干擾法律程序 陽光下才可獲長久支持





Politics should take back seat in campaign against corruption

LU WEI, the former deputy head of the propaganda department of the Communist Party of China (CPC), was under investigation last week for "his serious alleged irregularities". The matter has provoked widespread discussion at home and abroad given the fact that Lu was formerly the head of the General Office of the Central Leading Group for Internet Security and Informatization (GOCLGISI). Judging from what has been said by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) and official media outlets, the downfall of Lu must have to do with corruption, in which pecuniary advantages must have been involved, but it is primarily down to his political mistakes.

During Lu's three-year tenure as mainland China's Internet tsar, which began in 2013, the authorities' censorship of the internet was stepped up. Not only were websites from outside China blocked and posts on the net heavily censored, but freedom of speech on the internet was also being ceaselessly curtailed. The "cleaning-up of the internet", the campaign against key opinion leaders (the so-called "Big Vs"), was castigated by the international community and criticised by netizens. However, even though Lu stepped down from his GOCLGISI post in June last year, in no sense has internet censorship in mainland China been loosened since then, but it has instead gone even further and further. It can thus be seen that the draconian measures implemented during Lu's reign were not just his own policy.

In June this year, after a tour of inspection of the GOCLGISI, the Central Leading Group for Inspection Work commented that the General Office was "not resolute and prompt enough" when implementing the instructions and requirements of Xi Jinping, the General Secretary of the CPC, that "its sense of political responsibility was not strong enough, and it fell short of implementing the major decisions and plans of the central government regarding internet security and informatization", that "it lacks political commitment", that "it is not strong enough in maintaining political security", that "its political ecology is undesirable, and problems like 'small circles' persist". It is clear that "political mistakes" are the main reason why Lu has been removed from his post and is being investigated.

History shows that during the various movements that took place in the first forty years after the CPC came to power, high-ranking officials that were disciplined were invariably dismissed for political crimes. That was the case for Gao Geng, Liu Xiaoqi, Lin Biao, the "Gang of Four", Hua Guofeng, Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang. Since the June Fourth Incident in 1989, however, the CPC had not charged high-ranking officials with political crimes when they disciplined them. From Chen Xitong, the former party chief of Beijing and Chen Liangyu, the former party chief of Shanghai, to Bo Xilai, Zhou Yongkang, Xu Caihou, Go Boxiong, Ling Jihua who were targeted later, the charges brought to them as announced by the authorities were all criminal offences such as corruption, acceptance of bribes or failure to do one's duties, showing the CPC's attempt to play down the political overtones of the struggles within the party.

The transition from the political removal of officials to the criminalisation of corruption showed a tendency towards "depoliticisation". But the shift of focus from the campaign against financial corruption to the campaign against political corruption demonstrates the fact that the CPC remains a political party that prioritises politics. Back when political crimes were not mentioned, it was not necessary the case that politics did not play a part. Now that political factors have taken a front seat, more transparency is necessary. However, political correctness should only be an internal matter for the CPC. At a time when it is emphasised that the country should be run in accordance with the law and the CPC should be run in accordance with its regulations, people are hoping to see that the due process of law is not neglected when punishments are meted out to corrupt officials. The punishments should be based on facts and guided by the law. The guilty should not escape punishment, nor should the innocent get punished. The enforcement of the law should not be interfered by political factors. The campaign against corruption should be conducted in a transparent manner so as to keep the Chinese people confident about it and win their long-time support for it.

反腐不應政治掛帥 依法治國不枉不縱






