2017年5月22日 星期一


<轉載自2017522 明報 社評>
文在寅鬆動韓薩德立場 中方示好雙方有落台階
東京有越頂外交危機感 中日結構性矛盾仍難解
China's relations with ROK and Japan
NEW President of the Republic of Korea (ROK) Moon Jae-in has sent special envoys to China, the US, Japan, Russia and Europe. Last week Lee Hae-chan, his special envoy to the People's Republic of China (PRC), was given an audience with President Xi Jinping, whom he handed Moon's personal letter. PRC-ROK relations, which have been at a low ebb because of the deployment of THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defence), are expected to take a favourable turn. Meanwhile, Toshihiro Nikai, who represented Japan at the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, handed Xi Jinping Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's personal letter when he met the latter. In the letter Abe expressed his wish that Sino-Japanese relations would improve. It has subsequently transpired that there is hope that State Councillor Yang Jiechi will go to Japan next July to make preparations for a summit between leaders of the two countries. Such dramatic changes in PRC-ROK relations and Sino-Japanese relations have to do with the fact that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) nuclear crisis has eased slightly, China has recently readjusted its diplomatic strategy and there have been changes in Sino-US relations.
PRC-ROK relations have eased primarily because Moon, whose China policy and DPRK policy are relatively moderate, has been elected ROK president. No sooner had he taken power than he said that THAAD's deployment should be reconsidered.
As soon as Moon got elected, Xi called him and offered him his congratulations. The two again talked over the phone after Moon had taken office. On the eve of the Belt and Road summit, the PRC sent the ROK an invitation. Both the DPRK and the ROK were represented at the summit. However, Xi granted the ROK representative an audience but not the DPRK representative. His intention to be friendly towards the ROK has come through in overtones. The PRC has pressured the DPRK harder. Meanwhile, it has tried to change its strategy — gradually to separate THAAD from PRC-ROK relations. And it hopes that the US and the ROK will take technological measures to fix the radar equipment installed northward rather than westward and undertake not to upgrade the equipment in question.
Sino-Japanese relations are different in nature from PRC-ROK relations. It is to a greater extent because of recent changes in Sino-US relations that Sino-Japanese relations have improved. Abe has recently kept doing what may evidence his goodwill towards China. For example, he sent Liberal Democratic Party secretary general Toshihiro Nikai to the Belt and Road summit and had his executive secretary accompany him. Such moves are rarely seen. Furthermore, Abe has given out that, if certain conditions are met, the possibility of Japan joining the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (which China mainly controls and which it persevered in boycotting) should not be ruled out.
After Donald Trump had been sworn in, the US withdrew from the Tran-Pacific Partnership (TPP). It has repeatedly heaped praise on China in relation to the DPRK nuclear problem, and much progress has been made in Sino-US trade talks. The US even sent its representatives to the summit about "Belt and Road", to which it had all along been cold. That has somehow brought about a sense of crisis among Japanese diplomats.
A single issue (that of THAAD) has clouded PRC-ROK relations. That is not the case with Sino-Japanese relations because there are structural conflicts between the two countries. They are in dispute with each other about the Diaoyus and oil and gas fields in the East China Sea. Furthermore, it has recently displeased Beijing for Japan and Taiwan to have changed the names of their permanent bodies in each other's territories. China is to mark next July the 80 anniversary of the onset of the War of Resistance against Japan Aggression and next September the 45th anniversary of the normalisation of Sino-Japanese relations. The standard Beijing will meet in marking the two anniversaries is a barometer with which to observe how Sino-Japanese relations will trend.

