2016年7月13日 星期三

南海仲裁或強化對抗 中國仍爭取和平解決

<轉載自2016713 明報 社評>
裁決把中國踢出南海 予人有政治操作聯想
就共同開發互利共贏 華願作實際臨時安排

China aims at peaceful settlement
THE PERMANENT COURT OF ARBITRATION AT THE HAGUE, THE NETHERLANDS, has handed down its ruling on the case about the South China Sea filed by the Philippines. It found for the Philippines, leaving China greatly disadvantaged. China has reiterated the position it has always held - that it will not recognise or accept any such awards. However, it can be foreseen that all claimants having to do with the South China Sea disputes will make use of the ruling to put pressure on China.
The arbitral tribunal's decision that is most unfavourable to China is that there is no legal basis for the "nine-dash line" on its maps and it is in violation of the United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea. It has flatly denied China has sovereignty over or rights or interests in the South China Sea. If it had not rejected China's "nine-dash line" claim, it would have had to ascribe 80% of it to China, and the Philippines could not possibly have begun to talk about its claim.
However unreasonably China may have been treated in relation to the unilateral ruling, it will be very unfavourably placed, given the poor say it has in the world community. First, the ruling has changed the disputants' claims to interests and strategic aims, especially the claimants'. Having won, the Philippines has now more bargaining counters. It is noteworthy whether that will encourage other countries to follow suit. If all of them seek help from the arbitral tribunal, China will be even worse circumstanced because of the Philippine precedent. Second, the US and Japan have, by making use of the South China Sea issue, achieved some success with its strategy of driving a wedge between China and ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations). ASEAN's foreign policy has always been "independent, neutral", but it tends to be partial towards the US and Japan. If it uses the "arbitration ruling" card to do China, the US and Japan will have even greater room for operation.
After the ruling had come out, the Chinese government issued a statement. It says there are grounds of long history of practice for its claim to sovereignty over and maritime interests in the South China Sea. However, the manner the statement says China will adopt in dealing with the issue is more noteworthy. It says China is willing to make every effort in concert with the claimants to make provisional arrangements of a practical nature, including those for having joint development in the waters in question, bringing about a mutually beneficial win-win situation and working together to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea. It also says China respects and upholds the freedom of navigation and overflight enjoyed by all states under international law and is willing to work with all the countries bordering the South China Sea and the international community to ensure that the sea lanes there will remain safe and unimpeded. China has, by issuing the statement, declared to the claimants and the world community that it is willing to end the disputes peacefully and make joint efforts to maintain stability in the South China Sea. There is no clapping with one palm. It remains to be seen whether the stakeholders, especially the claimants, and China will move towards one another.
The arbitral tribunal's ruling has actually further complicated the South China Sea disputes. If all immerse themselves in fighting one another, perhaps only countries outside the region will profit, and all the claimants will suffer. If China receives sensible responses to its wish, the confrontation the arbitral tribunal's ruling may bring about may transform into an opportunity for the claimants' settling the disputes directly with China. If China's wish is correctly read and a code of conduct in the South China Sea is drawn up, the worst time into which the arbitral tribunal's ruling has plunged the South China Sea disputes may turn out to be the best time. Whether it will be the worst time or the best time depends just on one thought. It is hoped that ASEAN leaders will display political wisdom and lay a foundation for stability, harmony, development and prosperity in the South China Sea.
南海仲裁或強化對抗 中國仍爭取和平解決

