2016年6月20日 星期一

蔡執政「滿月」立場未變 「冷和」定局兩岸拼經濟

<轉載自2016620 明報 社評>
內外牽制力量過大 民進黨凍獨難成事
民進黨將於717日舉行全代會,會上將討論這一提案。民進黨今次由下而上,從基層連署提案「凍獨」,來勢甚急甚猛,應該說反映了民進黨基層對於蔡政府執政一個月來兩岸關係急劇轉冷感到焦慮,因而再次提出「凍獨」,以釋除北京的疑慮。但是,估計很難成事。20147月的民進黨全代會也曾提出 「凍獨」案 ,但蔡英文以時間不夠為由退案,全過程只花了5分鐘,顯然蔡英文不願惹火燒身。這次,相信提案也會遭遇深綠派極大阻力。民進黨前台南縣長蘇煥智認為,民進黨現在廢「台獨黨綱」的可能性不大,內部沒有共識,蔡英文應該不敢去動這件事,如果去動會倒楣。民進黨桃園市長鄭文燦認為既存的「台灣前途決議文」就是要「維持現狀」。
大陸應對選擇有限 或用拔旗截利兩招
相較之下,民進黨內的「凍獨」明智派顯得勢單力薄。重要的是,不承認「九二共識」可能出現的「冷和」局面,蔡英文及其智囊在「520」前就進行過沙盤推演,並且制定了「新南向」等政策應對 ,蔡英文也不可能未戰先認輸。蔡政府相信,只要島內民意覺得他們做得比馬政府好,他們就贏了。
不管怎麼說,經濟競賽好過動槍動炮。現實看,未來台灣並無實現「法理獨立」的資本和條件,大陸則尚未做好徹底解決台灣問題的全面準備 ,「冷和」局面將會持續。

Cross-strait lenghe

TODAY (June 20) it is a full month since the Tsai Ing-wen administration began to run Taiwan. Some analysts believe Beijing still hopes the Tsai administration will return to the political basis of recognising the "1992 consensus" so that it will be possible to keep the mechanism whereby the two sides of the Taiwan Strait have communicated and have had dealings with each other and consolidate the situation of peaceful development that has taken shape over the past eight years. However, it is clear from what has happened over the past month that, forces at home and abroad restraining Tsai Ing-wen being rather strong, lenghe (cold peace) will inevitably persist.
Some influential Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) members do long for change. Tainan DPP delegate Tsai Meng-hsun et al have proposed that Tsai Ing-wen's idea of preserving the status quo be adopted as the DPP's platform in place of article one of its taidu (Taiwan's independence) charter (that a sovereign, independent Republic of Taiwan be founded).
The proposal is to be discussed at the DPP national congress scheduled for July 17. The dongdu (freeze pro-independence attempts) proposal has come from the DPP grassroots with tremendous momentum. This, one should say, shows ordinary DPP members are anxious because cross-strait relations have rapidly cooled since the Tsai administration took office a month ago. They have therefore proposed dongdu with a view to freeing Beijing of misgivings. Nevertheless, they seem unlikely to succeed.
In fact, the mainstream in Taiwan tends to "tolerate taidu and be anti-China". The latest survey shows the percentage of people living on the island and regarding themselves as Chinese (which was 31% twenty years ago) is now 11%, the lowest ever. Furthermore, the blue camp's ability to keep taidu advocates in check has greatly weakened. None can deny it is a clever idea to use dongdu to ease pressure the mainland may exert so that the Tsai administration will continue to exist in better circumstances. However, it is hard to overcome resistance put up by DPP members who are taidu fundamentalists.
The DPP dongdu wise sect hardly seems influential. An important factor is that, before May 20 came, Tsai Ing-wen and her brain trusters had done a "sand-table exercise" about the lenghe situation that might ensue from her rejection of the "1992 consensus" and accordingly formulated a number of measures including the "new southward policy". She must not throw in the towel when she has yet to leap into the ring. The Tsai administration believes it will win as long as people living on the island think it outperforms the Ma administration.
This being the case, the ball is in the mainland's court. "Earth-shaking" things supposed to follow Tsai's rejection of the "1992 consensus" have not appeared yet, though the mechanism built on this political basis for institutionalised cross-strait exchanges has ceased to operate. What tough measures may Beijing then take against the Tsai administration? First of all, one can be certain that Beijing will not use force against Taiwan. It is generally believed that the toughest things Beijing may do are baqi (pull up flags) and jieli (curtail profits). Baqi means to deprive Taiwan of its diplomatic ties with other countries; jieli means to diminish the favourable balance of trade it has with the mainland. Tsai Ing-wen is to set out next Friday (June 25) on her visit to Panama and Paraguay. It has been rumoured that the mainland's initial baqi efforts will be aimed at the two countries and its ultimate aim is to cause the number of countries having diplomatic ties with Taiwan to become zero. One should say Beijing can do so of its own initiative but fears its rash moves may disgust Taiwan people. However, it is probably what affects the huge favourable balance of trade Taiwan has with the mainland that touches it on the raw. If the mainland emphasises the principle of trading "on a reasonable equal footing", Tsai Ing-wen cannot possibly remedy the situation, however "new southward" she may be.
Anyhow, competing economically with each other is better than aiming guns at each other. In reality, as Taiwan is incapable of achieving de jure independence and is in no condition to do so and the mainland is not fully prepared thoroughly to resolve the Taiwan question, lenghe will persist.
蔡執政「滿月」立場未變 「冷和」定局兩岸拼經濟
民進黨內的「凍獨」明智派顯得勢單力薄。重要的是,不承認「九二共識」可能出現的「冷和」局面,蔡英文及其智囊在「520」前就進行過沙盤推演,並且制定了「新南向」等政策應對 ,蔡英文也不可能未戰先認輸。蔡政府相信,只要島內民意覺得他們做得比馬政府好,他們就贏了。

不管怎麼說,經濟競賽好過動槍動炮。現實看,未來台灣並無實現「法理獨立」的資本和條件,大陸則尚未做好徹底解決台灣問題的全面準備 ,「冷和」局面將會持續。

