2016年3月14日 星期一


<轉載自2016314 明報 社評>
十三五開局籌備十九大 對台對港政策服從全局
什麼是未來中央工作的全局?第一是經濟發展。今年是「十三五規劃」的開局之年,也是實現「兩個百年」奮鬥首個目標﹕ 2021年全面建成小康社會決勝階段的開局之年。然而,目前國內外不利經濟發展的因素眾多,要保持6.5%以上增速不是易事;第二,明年將召開中共十九大,組成新的領導班子,制訂承前啟後的路線、方針。
高層頻密高調對台發聲 520前為蔡定調劃紅線
對港宣示低調輕描淡寫 突顯經濟地位保持信心
無論是上述講話, 還是政協工作報告、政府工作報告,都未如前兩年那樣省略「港人治港、高度自治」,而是將這兩句與「一國兩制」並列,把話說完整了。
對北京來說,台灣是仍有分離危險的領土,香港則是已回歸的特別行政區,並無分離危險。對香港問題的這種宣示, 是希望顯示中央確保「一國兩制」在香港不走樣、不變形的決心,增強港人對「一國兩制」的信心。同時也突顯香港問題的經濟屬性,香港若經濟地位不保,則萬事皆休。

Beijing's policy towards Taiwan and Hong Kong

LIANGHUI (the annual sessions of the National People's Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), held in early spring) has always been that from which one may learn about the country's general and specific policies, and the central authorities often give out information through this window. Judging from what leaders of the central authorities have said about Taiwan and Hong Kong, one may say the policies towards Taiwan and Hong Kong the central government will pursue this year can perhaps be summed up with a line consisting of sixteen Chinese characters that means "[they should] subordinate everything to the overall situation, put stability first, keep general policies unchanged and go along with the tendency of events".
About the mainland's policy towards Taiwan, Xi Jinping, Chairman of the CPPCC Yu Zhengsheng and Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council Zhang Zhijun have voiced their views amid much fanfare. In his address Xi stressed that the mainland's general and specific policies towards Taiwan would remain unchanged despite changes in the political situation there and made it clear that the mainland and Taiwan would have such common political basis that they could continue to interact with each other favourably as long as the "1992 consensus" historical fact was acknowledged and its crucial "one China" signification was agreed with.
No top Beijing leaders have said anything about cross-strait economic cooperation, the agreement on trade in services or the talks on trade in goods. The political nature of cross-strait relations is what has been underscored. All will be void if there is political incorrectness.
It remains to be seen what representations Tsai Eng-wen will make in her inaugural speech on May 20.
The question of Taiwan has been a hot topic at lianghui this year. In stark contrast to that, the question of Hong Kong has not been a focus at it. Neither Xi Jinping nor Li Keqiang has said a single word about it, and it has been played down in the CPPCC's work report and the government's.
The highest-ranking officials that have said anything about Hong Kong are Chairman of the Standing Committee of the NPC Zhang Dejiang and Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office Wang Guangya. Surprisingly, neither has specifically mentioned the riot Mong Kok saw in Lunar New Year. Wang Guangya has only said some troubles have happened in Hong Kong, and Zhang Dejiang has said some contradictions that exist in Hong Kong have been caused by what happened in the past and some of them are deep seated, adding that he hopes few would attach excessive gravity to those issues and all should devote their energies to developing the economy. He has talked at length about what Hong Kong can do in relation to the country's 13th five-year plan. He has warned against "pan-politicising" economic issues and said Hong Kong should exist as an important international financial centre both to the world and to the whole country. "That alone is Hong Kong's role and positioning."
As far as Beijing is concerned, Taiwan is territory remaining in danger of separation, but Hong Kong, which has reverted to Chinese sovereignty and is now a special administrative region, is in no danger of separation. Such declarations about the question of Hong Kong have been made in the hope of evincing the central government's determination to prevent "one country, two systems" from being disfigured and boost Hongkongers' confidence in it and, at the same time, underscoring the economic nature of the question of Hong Kong and emphasising that all will prove futile if Hong Kong loses its economic status.
Mainly an economic city, Hong Kong ought to boost the functions it performs in the country's economic development and opening-up. In short, Hong Kong's contradictions, which are ever intensifying, cannot be resolved otherwise than by implementing "one country, two systems" and abiding by the Basic Law in an accurate and all-round way.
Therefore, though Hong Kong will see legislative elections this year, Beijing takes the Mong Kok riot as nothing unusual. It does not want contradictions to intensify further. This is a chief reason why the question of Hong Kong seems to have been played down at lianghui.
對北京來說,台灣是仍有分離危險的領土,香港則是已回歸的特別行政區,並無分離危險。對香港問題的這種宣示, 是希望顯示中央確保「一國兩制」在香港不走樣、不變形的決心,增強港人對「一國兩制」的信心。同時也突顯香港問題的經濟屬性,香港若經濟地位不保,則萬事皆休。

