2015年2月27日 星期五

樓市或現理順苗頭 政府須堅持增供應

<轉載自2015227 明報 社評>
供應增加成趨勢 改劃用途存變數
勿被市况周期牽動 堅持供應主導樓市

Government must persist in increasing flat supply
THE GOVERNMENT has announced its land sale programme for the next fiscal year (2015/16). On the listed sites about 16,000 flats can be produced. Because of this and the railway property development projects, the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) projects and private redevelopment and development projects, private housing production in the next fiscal year may reach 28,000 units, a new high since several years ago.
The government resumed selling land on its own initiative in 2010. Flats put on the sites that have been sold since then will soon be on the market. In the next three or four years, the supply of first-hand flats will be about 74,000 units, a new high since 2004, when Transport and Housing Bureau figures were first available. Called the "Housing Chief Executive", Leung Chun-ying puts the uppermost priority on the government's land and housing policy. It seems clear from the supply of private land this year its policy has begun to produce results, as the land sold by the government, the railway property development projects, the URA projects and the private redevelopment and development projects are set to provide 20,300 units, a new high since 2010.
In the next fiscal year, the government is to put up for sale 29 residential sites, on which 16,000 flats can be produced. Those sites, together with the railway property development projects, the URA projects and the private redevelopment and development projects, will provide 28,000 flats, even more than the supply of this year. No doubt it depends on some variables and other factors whether all of those projects will be completed as planned in accordance with applicable procedures. However, as long as the government persists year after year in supplying land for producing 20,000 flats a year, there will be an irreversible tendency for housing supply to increase.
The flat supply policy of the Leung administration is fundamentally different from that of the Tsang administration, its predecessor. It is doing its best to find sites, increase supply and redress the supply-demand imbalance in the housing market. Sensitive to middle-class citizens' housing predicament, it has resumed the production of Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) flats, making it easier for them to have their own homes. Furthermore, measures such as the HOS Secondary Market, the Green Form HOS Scheme on the drawing board and the Premium Loan Guarantee Scheme announced in the budget of the next fiscal year are all intended to further stimulate the HOS market and increase flat supply. In other words, there is now a general tendency for housing supply to increase relatively.
Over the past seven or eight years, property prices have run wild, and a property bubble has formed. This is because housing has been in extremely short supply. As speculation is rife, citizens cannot but vie with one another to buy flats. Property prices have therefore soared. Is the Leung administration's land and housing policy such that the imbalance in the housing market can be redressed? There are still many difficulties to overcome. What deserves attention is that, as housing supply will increase and interest rates will certainly go up, the property market may soon take on a new aspect, and the government may then have to modify opportunely some administrative measures ("tough measures") now in force in relation to the property market. However, the government should keep increasing supply to make sure that the property market will develop steadily and to prevent property prices from roller-coastering. That is a principle it should adhere to.
樓市或現理順苗頭 政府須堅持增供應


