2014年7月11日 星期五

刑事調查湯顯明 廉署應盡快交代

<轉載自2014711 明報 社評>


立會調查報告 高高舉起輕輕放下






湯顯明對專委會報告的回應,認為「算是還了本人一個公道」,對於報告中「並無任何地方聲稱或顯示本人任內處理酬酢等事宜是與『貪』字有關,亦無涉及私人利益,或濫用權力等問題。在這方面,報告書還了本人一個清白」,云云。 湯顯明的回應,可視為對他全部指控的反擊,他的高調是否與報告的不痛不癢有關,可以有不同體會,不過,據專委會報告披露對湯顯明的多項指控,都因為廉署以進行刑事調查為由,拒絕提供資料,在這種情下,因為缺乏證據未能推斷湯顯明是否失當。廉署對湯顯明的刑事調查仍在進行,不提供相關資料,從廉署的角度或許有必要,不過,客觀上形成窒礙專委會調查的效果。廉署是否變相「曲線」幫了湯顯明一把,值得思考。

事件一日未解決 廉署難重拾市民信任


Report on Timothy Tong scandal

THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL (Legco) select committee tasked with investigating the Timothy Tong scandal has published a report. It confirms that what Tong did when he was ICAC Commissioner was inappropriate, and that he has damaged the image and tarnished the reputation of the commission.

In respect of the Tong scandal, an Independent Review Committee, the Legco Public Accounts Committee and the Legco select committee have each published a report. Their criticisms of Tong's misconduct vary in severity, but they all assert that improper arrangements were made in relation to his entertainment, gift-making and duty visits.

The Legco select committee's report says Tong has "damaged the image and tarnished the reputation of the ICAC". Such a criticism points to improprieties of a very serious nature, and it remains to be clarified whether any irregularities and illegalities were involved. However, the report merely says that the percentage of over-budget meals hosted by Tong was "unduly high", that serving hard liquor at official entertainment functions was "inappropriate", that beer drinking contests and karaoke sessions (like those Tong organised) "may give a negative perception to ... the general public", and that bestowing expensive gifts (like those Tong gave) "can easily give rise to corrupt practices". The report merely says that Tong "lacked the prudence expected of him" as ICAC Commissioner. The mild descriptions in the report are clearly very much at variance with many Hong Kong people's perception, as they have found Tong's behaviour absurd and preposterous.

Furthermore, the select committee has failed to take a stance on the case, which it ought to have done as it says Tong has damaged the ICAC's image and brought it into disrepute. It only says it "regrets" that the ICAC refused to provide information on the grounds that a criminal investigation was under way. Tong's misconduct has adversely affected the ICAC. It is rather strange and incomprehensible that the select committee has not taken a stance or passed judgement on the matter.

The report fails to shed any light on several issues. For example, Tong is said to have provided a banquet with taxpayers' money for his girlfriend (former Assistant Director of Immigration) Helen Chan and his wealthy friend Wong Cho-bau. Furthermore, the Legco Accounts Committee has criticised in its report Director of Community Relations Julie Mu (without naming her) for helping Tong arrange his duty trips and splitting bills for his banquets. The select committee's report is silent on these two issues. It is obvious that Tong's misconduct involved not only himself. It would not have spanned several years if he had not been abetted by others. It is also obvious what role the Community Relations Department played. But for its support, Tong's will would not have been done. The department can be said to be one of the ICAC's corrupt components during Tong's tenure. Unless the ICAC rids itself of the seeds of corruption, it will have difficulty regaining the public's confidence and trust, and it will be a mystery whether it will continue to rot at its core.

刑事調查湯顯明 廉署應盡快交代






