2023年5月28日 星期日

國產飛機衝上雲霄 關鍵零件仍然受制

<轉載自2023529 明報 社評>


37年前外國飛機「施捨」嵌零件 研製國產飛機因此「耽誤」21




關鍵技術仍假手於人 國產發動機不日有成

C919國產飛機目前仍然有四成關鍵部件依賴外國供應( 按價格計則佔約六成),包括發動機、電傳、飛控、燃料液壓系統等,雖然看不到外國供應商會因為地緣政治因素影響供應穩定性,因為在商言商,C919飛機產量愈高他們生意愈多,而且深信以中國的研發能力,早晚能研製出替代產品,供應商能賺錢有一筆算一筆;然而,受制於人始終是一個不能迴避的問題,無論依靠的是跟中國有潛在矛盾的歐美國家,還是相對友好的俄羅斯。




China's Domestically Produced Aircraft Has Soared into The Sky

China's domestically produced medium-sized aircraft has made a successful commercial maiden flight. Once again, a fundamental instrument of national importance has lent credence to the rise of China.

Currently, China is leading the world in terms of the technology of high-speed trains shuttling on land. However, most of the large and small aircraft frequently flying in the sky of over 9.6 million square kilometres are either from the US's Boeing or Europe's Airbus. When the dream of China making its own aircraft can come true is something that has lingered in the hearts of the Chinese people for decades.

The dream of domestically produced aircraft started with China "begging" for some unimportant parts from others to assemble. Douglas Aircraft Company, which has now merged with Boeing, used to give Shanghai a small component to assemble in 1986. Afterwards, China was able to secure more parts to assemble, as well as aircraft seats and other production certificates. However, the total output value was less than a fraction of the selling price of an aircraft.

In 2008, Airbus set up a factory in Tianjin for the assembly of the entire aircraft. This year, French President Emmanuel Macron visited China and announced the establishment of a second assembly line, but only for assembling or producing small parts. The willingness of European and American companies to transfer a small part of aircraft manufacturing to China is the result of the gradual expansion of China's aviation market power and its rising bargaining power.

There are two sides of the same coin. When foreign airlines gradually expand their transfer of production processes to China, some people in the aviation industry are self-congratulatory, continuing to believe that it is better to buy aircraft than to build aircraft. They have forgotten that independent research and development is the name of the game. Building an aircraft from scratch is indeed a high-cost and low-profit business. Even the C919 aircraft, which is now in commercial operation, is only 80% to 90% of the price of similar products in the US and Europe. Furthermore, most of the cost was for the purchase of key components. Profits from domestically developing aircraft are still tiny.

However, the success of China's domestically produced commercial aircraft has worried the two aircraft manufacturers, who have a monopoly in the international market. Even if Chinese airplanes are not yet able to gain a share in the international market, the fact that China will no longer buy — or buy massively lower numbers of — foreign airplanes will cause a significant drop in the output of these two aircraft manufacturers. In 2018, 22% of Boeing's annual revenue came from the Chinese market. In 2019, it plummeted to 7%. In 2022, it even fell to an insignificant 0.25%. This has been due to the Sino-US trade war, which caused Chinese orders to shift to Airbus. As domestically produced aircraft can replace foreign products of the same type, the share of European and American aircraft manufacturers in the Chinese market is expected to decline gradually.

There will be more and more domestically produced small and medium-sized aircraft flying in the airspace of China in the future. Larger aircraft cruising across the five continents can also be expected. The dream of domestically manufactured aircraft is part of the dream of China's revival, which is a matter of pride. China should devote more power in allowing scientific research personnel to develop key technologies for the nation's other fundamental instruments. With genuine technological prowess, it will show that China's rise can benefit its people and its fruit can be shared by the global community.

國產飛機衝上雲霄 關鍵零件仍然受制








