2021年5月22日 星期六

論蔡展鵬事件 誠信與誠實在哪裏?

<轉載自2021523 明報 副刊 欄名:周日話題>




有報章說,涉事警務人員是在一間名為Viet Spa的地方被發現,位於莊士敦道勝意大樓一樓。大廈始建於1968年,是幢殘破的舊樓。

只要簡單在Google搜索一下Viet Spa,便會找到一個性服務的網上討論區有關Viet Spa的評價。20192月一則留言說,先後看了3個女孩,女孩可以提供手淫服務,費用是500元。20203月一則留言則表示該處有67間房,每間房的女孩數目差不多,服務包括40分鐘按摩和手淫。20213月一則留言則說VietSpaTg改了做DaisySpa,女孩的陣容也有點不同,不過還是提供乳交服務。

這些留言巨細無遺地描述了Viet Spa的性服務。只要再看看場所的介紹以及網上對該處提供性服務的女孩評價,都顯示Viet Spa是個賣淫場所。











處長交O記調查 不是公正程序








Where is integrity and honesty?

A Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police (SACP) has been found inside a suspected vice establishment in Wanchai District, raising concerns regarding the integrity of such a senior officer and the processes in the Hong Kong Police to impartially investigate such an incident.

Reports of the incident state that the SACP was found inside the premises at the end of March during a police search, which also led to the arrest of six women who presumable were working in the establishment. The matter was passed to the Organised and Serious Crime Bureau to investigate, and on 18 May a Chief Superintendent announced to the press that "At the time when Mr Choi was found… we have no evidence to suggest he was there doing any illegal acts or committing any immoral acts."

The case is highly problematic for three reasons. Firstly, the seniority of the officer (SACP, two ranks below the Commissioner) raises questions about his judgement. Secondly, the sensitive nature of the job that the officer is doing, as second in command of the National Security Bureau, raises questions regarding potential compromise of the officer by triads or intelligence agencies. Thirdly, the complete lack of a mandatory impartial investigation process for such incidents raises grave concerns regarding the accountability of the Police.

Newspapers have reported that the officer was found inside the Viet Spa, located on the first floor of the Senior Building, which faces on to Johnson Road with a rear entrance on Thomson Road, Wanchai. The building was occupied from 1968, and is hence an old building in poor condition.

A simple Google search for "Viet Spa" reveals an Internet forum for sexual services with multiple comments regarding the Viet Spa. One user stated in February 2019, "I booked a time but not anyone in particular, so asked for a lineup. Little bit annoying they didn't all come at once, but girl #1 called girl #2, then #2 called #3…I gave the universal sign for handjob and she said yes.  I gave the sign for blowjob and she said no.  I asked how much and she said 500HKD.  For 600HKD she would take her clothes off."

A user in March 2020 stated, "From what I can see they have 6-7 rooms with a similar number of girls working…Massage was excellent, lasted around 40 mins. Then a highly skilled HJ - she explained a bit afterwards all the techniques - nice to see them take pride in their work!"

A user in in March 2021, "So the TG channel of VietSpa got changed to DaisySpa(change of owner) and bit different roaster of girls were adtervised… She used those jugs to give me a fun boob job while making eye contact."

The multiple reviews on the Internet forum detail sexual services provided in the Viet Spa, which are limited to a "hand job" (masturbation) in addition to the massage. It is clear from the multiple Internet posts, from the profile of the establishment, and from the Internet reviews of multiple girls available to perform sexual services (i.e. masturbation) that the Viet Spa is a vice establishment.

There are multiple vice establishments in Wanchai District, which has been a centre for prostitution and sexual services for decades. As a result, there is a high degree of triad society control and involvement in vice establishments in the area. The San Yee On triad society in particular has for many years had major business interests in vice in Wanchai. The San Yee On triad factions in Wanchai have traditionally controlled vice establishments, bars, bouncer services, car parking, loan sharking, protection, and extortion. Triad society members would not hesitate to blackmail and manipulate a senior police officer if he was frequenting a vice establishment.

There is a long history of police officers in Wanchai being manipulated by triads, including the infamous Peter Godber in the 1960s and 1970s who the ICAC reports on their website accepted "a bribe of HK$25,000 from a former Chinese superintendent for helping the latter secure the "fat job" of superintendent in the Wan Chai Police Station." As recently as 2013, a Police Superintendent in Wanchai District was arrested by the ICAC and convicted of 'Misconduct in Public Office’ in connection with accepting discounts on food and drinks. It is an easy next step for criminals to offer a "free massage" or a "free service" to a police officer in a vice establishment.

The rules for police officers in regard to vice establishments are not explicit, but there are expectations of police officers regarding their conduct.

Police General Orders (PGOs) Chapter 50, Vice, defines a "Vice Establishment" as "a premises, vessel or place that is (a) used wholly or mainly by two or more persons for the purpose of prostitution; or (b) used wholly or mainly for or in connection with the organising or arranging of prostitution." The Internet forum shows that there are more than three females on the premises and they provide sexual services, which meets the police definition of a vice establishment.

Police General Orders (PGOs) Chapter 6, Conduct and Discipline, states that "Other than in the course of duty, a police officer shall not associate with any known criminal or triad personality… Officers are also advised that other than in the course of duty, they should not associate with persons of doubtful or undesirable reputation." Chapter 6 also states that "A police officer, unless on duty in disguise, shall deport and attire himself/herself and appear at all times in a manner likely to reflect credit on the Force." The same chapter goes on to state "A police officer, unless on duty in disguise, shall deport and attire himself/herself and appear at all times in a manner likely to reflect credit on the Force."

There is a strong case to be made that a police officer who knowingly frequents a vice establishment is immediately breaching Police General Orders relating to discipline and conduct.

It should be very clear to an officer as high ranking as a SACP that just being in a vice establishment places him in a position of exercising poor judgement and of potentially compromising his sensitive job.

The Chief Superintendent of the Organised Crime and Triad Bureau stated that after investigation "At the time when [the officer] was found… we have no evidence to suggest he was there doing any illegal acts or committing any immoral acts." The issue is not an "illegal act", but judgement and conduct of a senior police officer. The issue is not "immoral acts" but the integrity and honesty of a senior police officer.

The Police Discipline Regulations are defined in law and include the disciplinary offence of "conduct calculated to bring the public service into disrepute." These apply to junior police officers and Inspectors, but more senior officers are accountable under the Public Service (Disciplinary) Regulations.

It is not credible to expect the public to believe that a Senior Assistance Commissioner of Police being found in what is clearly a vice establishment is not a serious matter of conduct that should lead to disciplinary charges.

Whilst there may not have been evidence of a criminal offence committed by the SACP in the vice establishment, he has exposed himself to the risk of coercion by triad society members and other criminals in Wanchai District.

A problem arises in who decides if such conduct is inappropriate? The matter was referred by the Commissioner of Police to the Organised and Serious Crimes Bureau, which is often used by the CP to investigate matters and report back to him directly. This provides strong control over the investigation, but is not an impartial process.

What is lacking from the Police is a clearly defined process that requires who must conduct an impartial investigation of a senior officer. This should be clearly defined so that the CP cannot have the discretion to pass the investigation to ordinary CID officers in the OCTB. Complaints of the conduct of police officers should be investigated by independent, impartial experts in professional conduct.

A very senior officer has compromised his sensitive and trusted position by acting without appropriate judgement. There are many lessons from this case.

There is a lack of an independent and impartial investigative body to deal with the investigation of police officers conduct. There is a lack of accountability for police officers because there is no impartial investigation process.

It is reasonable to ask where is the integrity and honesty? Many years ago people in Hong Kong would say Ho jai ng dong chaai (好仔唔當差) "Good boys don't become cops". In the 1980s and 1990s some outstanding senior police leaders ended this culture and showed that the Hong Kong Police could serve the public with integrity and honesty. Hong Kong needs such police leaders once again.

文˙Martin Purbrick


