2021年3月23日 星期二

英國大增核彈頭四成 中俄法不會無動於中

<轉載自2021323 明報 社評>


英稱應付俄國威脅 「其他國家」惹人聯想





兩核潛艇可同時出動 英未說清核戰略意圖

英國的核震懾能力,主要是靠潛射核導彈。英國有4艘先鋒級核潛艇,每艘可攜16支三叉戟核彈,每支可搭載8個核彈頭,國策是任何時候都有一艘先鋒級核潛艇在外巡航,確保一旦英國本土遭受別國核武「第一擊」( first strike),可用潛射核彈復仇,從而發揮「保證互相毁滅」(即所謂MAD理論)的核震懾作用。從阻嚇「第一擊」的防衛角度,潛艇核導彈的隱蔽性,乃是很大優勢;惟核潛艇明顯亦是進攻型軍備,英國核彈頭增至260枚,意味可以同時派兩艘核潛艇各自滿載128枚核彈頭游弋,不僅更有條件應付兩條戰線,核震懾力投放也可以「攻守兼備」,更加進取。世界格局起變,大國博弈風譎雲詭,英國擴充核武庫,俄法中不會無動於中,其他秘密發展核武的國家也可能有所動作。英國核子戰略意圖不清不楚,有可能引起骨牌效應,加劇核武軍備競賽。


UK to increase nuclear warheads by 40%

The United Kingdom has released its new foreign and defence policies for the post-Brexit era. The focus on the Indo-Pacific region and the increase in military capabilities are the centre of attention. The most controversial part is its plan to increase the number of nuclear warheads by as much as 40%. Defence Secretary Ben Wallace argues that strengthening the UK's nuclear deterrent is for the sake of counterbalancing Russia. As a signatory of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, the UK has been a standard bearer of nuclear disarmament ever since the Cold War. Being on a moral ground too high in the past, the UK is of course inviting criticisms for its U-turn now on expanding the nuclear stockpile and fuelling the nuclear weapons race. The world is facing a once-in-a-century great change. Against the backdrop of serious rivalry between China and the US, players like Russia, Japan, Britain and Europe all have their own calculations and subsequent frequent moves. Now Boris Johnson's government wants to set ''Global Britain'' as the new position for its country to ensure that the UK has a role to play in the international stage. The thoughts behind this are reflected by the notion of ''leaving the EU and joining Asia''. The ''New UK'' sees Russia as the most acute threat to its security and China as a ''systemic challenge''. London wants to do business with China but it also wants to step into the Indo-Pacific region to subdue China in collaboration with the US. Its plan to expand the nuclear stockpile will certainly make Beijing warier of it.

Last week, the British government announced an Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy (the Integrated Review) to set the tone for the country's global strategy in the post-Brexit era. It is regarded as the most important review of its foreign and defence policies since the end of the Cold War. Of the plans proposed by the Integrated Review, the one that has aroused the most discussions is about increasing the overall cap on the number of nuclear warheads from 180 to 260 in the coming five years. As soon as the news was out, not only was the plan denounced strongly by domestic anti-nuclear groups in the UK, but it also drew strong reaction from the international community. The German foreign minister criticised the UK's decision as running counter to international nuclear disarmament efforts. A UN spokesman even warned that London's move could have a damaging impact on global stability and efforts to pursue a world free of nuclear weapons.

For many years, the UK has been one of those western countries which have made the loudest call for nuclear disarmament. Even last year, the British authorities still emphasised that the number of nuclear warheads in their inventory would decrease further from 225 to 180 by the middle of the 2020s. But this policy was changed unexpectedly by Johnson all of a sudden — the UK will expand its nuclear stockpile for the first time in more than thirty years.

Defence Secretary Wallace said on Sunday that in the last few years Russia has deployed new types of nuclear weapons and invested heavily in ballistic missile defence, thus the UK has to maintain its nuclear deterrent as a counterbalance. However, it is noteworthy that Wallace also mentioned the UK's nuclear deterrent has to adapt to and reflect the current capabilities of ''the Russians and others''. What the word ''others'' refers to has inevitably led to some speculations.

The core of ''Global Britain'' suggested by Johnson's government as the new positioning of the country is about ensuring the UK's global influence in the post-Brexit era. The Integrated Review shows that the UK still wants to do more business with China after leaving the EU. The report names China a ''systemic challenge''. But the US-UK special relationship is still the axis of British foreign policy. The ''Indo-Pacific tilt'' emphasised by the report reflects both a shift of the international stage's gravity ''from the West to the East'' and the fact that Britain will closely follow the lead of the US. The UK wants money from China but it also wants to collaborate with the US in constraining China. The room for improving the Sino-UK relationship will be limited.

英國大增核彈頭四成 中俄法不會無動於中






