2021年3月15日 星期一

壯大中間可排拒兩極 立會3類議席宜均等

<轉載自2021315 明報 社評>


直選議席不宜大削 3:3:3」方案相對可取






若與「反中亂港」切割 「和理非」可入閘參選


張曉明提到, 不能將「反中亂港」分子,與反對派或泛民簡單畫上等號。但凡願意與港獨、暴力和外部勢力干預切割,真正信奉「和理非」(和平、理性、非暴力)的人,都應該可以「入閘」參選。人大決定提到,參選行政長官,要在選委會5個界別都取得一定提名,這一嚴格要求,很難套用到參選立法會之上,要所有立法會參選人同時取得工商界和勞工基層界選委支持,似乎亦不現實,一個合理合度的門檻,有利反映社會多元性,亦可避免過度放大某一界別對參選者的影響力。審查委員會的構成,應該盡量多邀社會有名望的人士參與,至於實際操作,亦應該有「具意義」的上訴機制,讓被拒入閘者有申訴機會。香港社會兩極化,讓中間力量、溫和聲音有更多政治空間,可以促進溝通對話,有助修補社會撕裂。一個穩妥的選舉制度設計,有助香港政治朝這方向改變。

Equitable distribution of LegCo seats

Central government officials are holding a three-day symposium in Hong Kong to solicit opinions on ''improving the electoral system of the HKSAR''. The future allocation of the three types of Legislative Council seats, the exercise of the Election Committee's authority as well as the composition and operation of the candidate qualification review committee have become the concerns of many. The ''major revamp'' of Hong Kong's electoral system by the central government is aimed at excluding ''anti-China individuals who disrupt Hong Kong'' from the organs of government. On the one hand, the principle of ''one country'' should be adhered to in the specific design of the new system. On the other hand, the uniqueness of Hong Kong society should be maintained. A sound system design can guarantee pluralism in society, take care of Hong Kong's interests as a whole, avoid the system being skewed in favour of vested interests and encourage different stakeholders to narrow differences through communication. The new arrangements for the electoral system have to reflect the diversity of society and allow different voices in LegCo. Regarding the distribution of seats in the future LegCo, allocating 30 seats to each of the three types of seats, namely geographical constituencies, functional constituencies and Election Committee representatives, will be more desirable in terms of openness and inclusiveness than the 2:3:4 or 2:2:5 ratios.

Since the anti-extradition storm in Hong Kong, the central government has seen the call for Hong Kong's independence, acts of violence, the collusion with external forces and the scorched-earth tactic in politics as direct challenges to its bottom line of ''one country''. The purpose of changing Hong Kong's electoral system is exactly to eradicate such acts from the system. It is a major prerequisite emphasised by Beijing that anyone who has not made a clear departure from these four kinds of acts will no longer be allowed in the system. But at the same time, the central government seems to intend to convey the message that it is willing to seek Hong Kong society's opinions about the detailed arrangements for the electoral system.

The number of seats in the future LegCo will be increased to 90. Wang Chen, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, mentioned earlier that ''a relatively large proportion'' of LegCo members will be elected by the Election Committee. Some have proposed a ratio of 3:3:3 between geographical direct election seats, functional constituency seats and Election Committee seats. Others have suggested 2:3:4 or even 2:2:5. Of these three proposals, we think the 3:3:3 arrangement is more suitable for Hong Kong. To fulfil ''patriots governing Hong Kong'', the inclusion of Election Committee representatives into LegCo, together with the nomination threshold and qualification review committee, should suffice. Dramatically axing geographical direct election seats will be too much and unnecessary.

The functional constituencies of Legco can represent the opinions of various industries or sectors. As for the Election Committee, the central government believes that by perfecting its composition, it can reflect the voices of different classes, industries and stakeholders in society, thus fulfilling the principle of balanced participation. Still, because of the limited number of people who can take part, there are inadequacies. By comparison, geographical direct election is still the way of participation which can allow the most ordinary citizens to express their views directly. The 3:3:3 proposal can reflect the diverse voices in society better than 2:3:4 and 2:2:5. A political system that values openness and participation should also encourage politicians to work and cultivate connections in the districts to engage the mass public. Slashing geographical direct election seats will only lead to a greater sense of political apathy, which may not help political stability in the long run.

壯大中間可排拒兩極 立會3類議席宜均等





