2020年11月17日 星期二

《基本法》追本溯源 往昔少管今須合度

 <轉載自20201118 明報 社評>


鄧小平「干預論」 中央不得已才用





中央涉港務成常態 須合度並勿亂擴權

《港區國安法》實施4個多月,就法律框架而言,《港區國安法》是繼憲法、基本法兩份憲制文件之後,凌駕其他香港法律;就管治而言,《港區國安法》具有執法功能,其立竿見影之效,憲法和基本法都不具備。迄今所見,《港區國安法》用於政治層面事宜,例如遏制分裂與港獨,打擊勾連外部勢力等力量;不過,政府以違反《基本法》104條宣誓條例,DQ 4名立法會議員之外,正在研議將之擴及其他公職人員,屆時「觸及面」有多寬廣,各方密切留意。另外,中央在港「全面管治權」還將在什麼環節、領域體現,不僅關乎香港管治,也涉及政治定位與國家發展佈局的功能和作用,備受各方關注。


30 years after Basic Law's promulgation

THIRTY YEARS have passed since the Basic Law was promulgated. Between the Occupy Movement six years ago and last year's anti-amendment storm, Hong Kong's political situation changed from an upheaval to a riot. It is both timely and necessary to examine what happened to Hong Kong's implementation of One Country Two Systems from a constitutional and legal perspective so as to re-forge a basic consensus so as to continue our journey ahead.

The central government's handling of Hong Kong's handover can be summarised into the guiding spirit of "One country two systems; Hong Kong people running Hong Kong; a high degree of autonomy; prosperity and stability". This, together with the 12 special measures, is enshrined in Article 160 of the Basic Law. The legal framework was generally understood as the central government refraining from interfering in Hong Kong's internal affairs and letting Hong Kong people handle their own affairs under the principle of a high degree of autonomy. The idea of the central government's "overall jurisdiction" over Hong Kong often emphasised today was rarely mentioned before the publication of "The implantation of One Country Two Systems in the HKSAR" in June 2014. Similarly, even Deng Xiaoping's idea of "necessary interference" was such that "do not think that Hong Kong affairs will all be handled by Hong Kong people and that everything will be alright if the central government does not interfere a bit. This is unrealistic." He also said that "if the central government gives up all power, there could be some chaos and Hong Kong's interests could be harmed. It will only benefit Hong Kong if the central government retains certain power".

After 1 July 1997, "One country, two systems" was implemented in accordance with the Basic Law. Back in those years, not only did the central government adhere to the principle of not interfering in Hong Kong affairs, but even business people and government officers coming from mainland provinces and cities into Hong Kong were also under strict restrictions so as to avoid the governance of Hong Kong from being affected by mainland factors. Back in those years, officials of the liaison office shied away from questions about Hong Kong affairs on open occasions. They did not make any comments. Even after Article 23 legislation in 2003 triggered large-scale protests and the central government adjusted its policies towards Hong Kong, the new principle was nothing more than "no interference but getting things done". "No interference" was still emphasised.

Things have so developed that "One country, two systems" has been twisted out of shape 23 years after its implementation. The central government has changed its attitude from refraining from interference to vigorous interference so as to fulfil the "overall jurisdiction". At the same time, Hong Kong has been pushed by some people into opposing the central government, inviting foreign forces and leading Hong Kong down a road to independence. Both of these developments are not the same as the original design. Furthermore, the real situation is such that Hong Kong's internal and external situations have changed, as foreign forces have interfered in Hong Kong and the central government is treating the opposition in Hong Kong with a mindset of "enemy-us struggles".

The government has disqualified four Legislative Councillors, arguing that they have violated Article 104 of the Basic Law. It is studying the expansion of the scope to cover other public office holders. All sides are paying close attention as to how wide the scope will be. Furthermore, in which links or areas will China's "overall jurisdiction" over Hong Kong be manifested ? This will have to do with not only Hong Kong's governance but also Hong Kong's political positioning and its functions and roles in China's master plan. This is being closely watched by all sides.

《基本法》追本溯源 往昔少管今須合度





政府以違反《基本法》104條宣誓條例,DQ 4名立法會議員之外,正在研議將之擴及其他公職人員,屆時「觸及面」有多寬廣,各方密切留意。另外,中央在港「全面管治權」還將在什麼環節、領域體現,不僅關乎香港管治,也涉及政治定位與國家發展佈局的功能和作用,備受各方關注。

