2019年9月16日 星期一

美國全力外交助台 自私虛偽難以持續

<轉載自2019916 明報 社評>

近期,南太平洋島國所羅門群島又成了海峽兩岸外交角力的新焦點,在這場角力中,美國再一次毫不掩飾地全力協助台灣,不僅如此,還動員區內盟友澳洲、新西蘭協助。雖然所羅門外長上周訪問台灣,顯示雙方還在溝通,惟該國總理已公開聲言,在經濟和政治方面,台灣對該國「毫無用處」(Taiwan is completely useless to us),但鹿死誰手仍是未知之數。即使台所邦交經美國此番全力「箍煲」得以維持,台灣將邦交國數目的維繫完全信託給美國,而美國完全是出於自身遏制中國的目標,既不願自掏荷包,亦不與中方正面交鋒,只靠煽風點火,挑撥離間,目的自私,表現虛偽,長期看亦難以持續。

所羅門群島外交轉向 美全力施壓為台箍煲


自從今年4月議會選舉後,所羅門群島就醞釀將外交關係由台北轉至北京,並宣布為此展開為期半年的研究,現已臨近最後決定的關頭。由早前的新聞報道看,該國的外交轉向很可能發生。台北固然十分焦急,美國亦全力以赴,美國大使多次發言,敦促所羅門對中國的金援承諾應「持謹慎態度」,不要匆促切斷與台灣關係。有報道稱,白宮近月幾乎每周都致電所羅門政要,甚至傳出副總統彭斯將在聯合國會晤所羅門總理索格瓦雷施壓,盟友澳洲總理亦致電所羅門總理游說,用放寬所國移民利誘之。所羅門外長上周訪台,在台灣外交部的歡迎晚宴上,美國在台協會駐台辦事處處長酈英傑( William Brent Christensen 高調出席,挺台意味甚濃。美國國防部印太安全事務首席副助理部長海大衛(David Helvey)更公開對台所邦交可能生變表達關切,他上周在華府智庫「全球台灣研究中心」(GTI)年度論壇上表示,保有外交伙伴能確保台灣不被孤立,也能確保台灣與區域的和平與穩定。因為台灣是對抗中國的前線,在遏制中國侵略與維護區域和平與穩定中,扮演不可或缺的角色。


中美角力打台灣牌 己所不欲逼迫他人

去年以來,隨着中美全面角力的白熱化,美國打台灣牌的力度也在不斷加強,除了國會通過《台灣旅行法》、《國防授權法》等惠台法律外,還向台灣大規模售賣武器,外交助台也是重要的一步。除了協助台灣與邦交國「箍煲」外,美台之間的官方外交也逐步升級,美國國務院副助理國務卿巴斯比(Scott Busby)上周訪台,先後出席美、台、日和瑞典4方合辦的第二屆「培養媒體識讀以捍衛民主」工作坊及美台合辦的「印太區域民主治理諮商」開幕儀式,雖然訪台官員級別未算空前,但畢竟是美台官方首度合辦多邊國際活動,象徵意義重大。尤其值得注意的是,巴斯比在台期間公開警告稱,大陸正投入大量資金,用各種方式試圖干擾台灣明年的總統選舉。這是美國官員罕見在台灣直接評論選舉事務,近乎赤裸裸地幫蔡英文助選。

Taiwan and the Solomon Islands

RECENTLY the Solomon Islands, an island nation in the south Pacific Ocean, has once again become the focal point of the diplomatic rivalry between mainland China and Taiwan. Not only is the United States once again blatantly providing all sorts of assistance for Taiwan, but it has also mobilised its allies in the region, namely Australia and New Zealand, to help Taiwan. Though the foreign minister of the Solomon Islands visited Taiwan last week showing that communications have not broken down between them, the island nation's prime minister has openly declared that in economic and political terms, "Taiwan is completely useless to us". It remains uncertain who will emerge victorious in the contest. Even if Taiwan is able to keep the Solomon Islands as an ally owing to the US's all-out effort to save their relations, the fact that Taiwan has completely entrusted the maintenance of its diplomatic relations to the US and the US is doing so simply because it aims to contain China out of self-interest without wanting to delve into its pockets and directly challenging China, resorting only to fanning the flames and driving a wedge between China and its friends, shows that the US is selfish and hypocritical. This is also unsustainable in the long term.

Since Tsai Ing-wen was sworn into office, five of Taiwan's allies have switched sides and established relations with mainland China. Of its remaining seventeen allies, six are island nations in the Pacific. With a population of just over 600 thousand, the Solomon Islands is the biggest and most populous of them. If diplomatic ties are indeed severed, it might trigger a domino effect in the region.

Soon after its parliamentary elections in April this year, the Solomon Islands began contemplating switching sides from Taipei to Beijing. It commenced a study spanning half a year. Now it is almost time for a final decision. As can be seen from previous media reports, the diplomatic change is highly likely. No doubt Taipei is very anxious, and at the same time the US is making an all-out effort to help Taiwan. Its ambassador has called on the Solomon authorities multiple times to "show prudence" concerning China's promise of financial aid and not to sever ties with Taiwan rashly. There are reports that the White House has been phoning important politicians of the Solomon Islands on a weekly basis in recent months. Rumour even has it that US Vice President Mike Pence will meet with Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare and exert pressure on him during the United Nations meeting. Australia being an ally of the US, its prime minister also phoned Manasseh Sogavare in persuasion, dangling in front of him the relaxation of immigration policies for people of the Solomon Islands.

However, while helping Taiwan diplomatically, the United States is greeted with some scepticism, the greatest of which is about its motive and method. One foreign political heavyweight has pointed out that while the US is preventing other countries from severing ties with Taiwan and establishing relations with Beijing, Washington did exactly the same in 1979. Furthermore, the US does not have the courage to cut ties with Beijing and reestablish relations with Taipei now. While Washington accuses the Chinese government of using loans to line up allies, it only pays lip service to assistance for backward countries. Even when it comes to support for Taiwan, it has never spent a penny on saving Taiwan's diplomatic relations. What the US has done is to let Taiwan's allies haggle with Taipei, meaning that the Taiwanese people have to foot the bill for these rapacious nations. This has led to the accusation that the real motive behind its help to Taiwan is to contain Beijing, and the US's saying that it is doing so to safeguard peace, democracy and freedom in the region is merely a hypocritical pretext. Even if the US manages to help Taiwan keep the Solomon Islands as its ally, it is questionable whether it can help Taiwan retain all its allies.

美國全力外交助台 自私虛偽難以持續

近期,南太平洋島國所羅門群島又成了海峽兩岸外交角力的新焦點,在這場角力中,美國再一次毫不掩飾地全力協助台灣,不僅如此,還動員區內盟友澳洲、新西蘭協助。雖然所羅門外長上周訪問台灣,顯示雙方還在溝通,惟該國總理已公開聲言,在經濟和政治方面,台灣對該國「毫無用處」(Taiwan is completely useless to us),但鹿死誰手仍是未知之數。即使台所邦交經美國此番全力「箍煲」得以維持,台灣將邦交國數目的維繫完全信託給美國,而美國完全是出於自身遏制中國的目標,既不願自掏荷包,亦不與中方正面交鋒,只靠煽風點火,挑撥離間,目的自私,表現虛偽,長期看亦難以持續。




