2018年9月3日 星期一

中國投資非洲落後歐美 西方關注反映戰略焦慮

<轉載自201893 明報 社評>


已成非洲頭號貿易伙伴 投資總額排英美法之後





商業模式按市場邏輯 中資僱員當地人為主



在非洲的中資企業在環保、勞工福利等方面的確仍有很多改善空間,美國CNN在埃塞俄比亞的最新報道亦指出,外界關於中資只僱用華人,不願聘請當地人的指控並不準確,當地一間中埃合資工廠的177名員工中,只有一名中國人。國際投資顧問公司麥肯錫(McKinsey & Company)去年對非洲81000多家中資公司的調查亦發現,平均89%員工是當地人。


China's investment in Africa

THE 2018 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, the grandest diplomatic occasion China plays host to this year, is to open today (September 3) in Beijing. Of all the 54 African nations, 53 will attend the event, with the only exception of Swaziland, which has diplomatic ties with Taiwan. Last weekend heads of several African nations arrived in Beijing on state visits. Xi Jinping, the Chinese president, is expected to make further announcements on China-Africa cooperation at the summit. As China's investment in and trade with Africa have grown quickly in recent years, there have also been increasing controversies over the role it has played in Africa. It is believed that the Chinese authorities intend to clarify some misunderstandings by virtue of this summit.

Compared with European and American countries, which have invested in Africa for almost a century, China's accumulated investment in Africa pales into insignificance. According to figures from the United Nations for the year 2016, China's investment in Africa did increase dramatically in recent years, still it was ranked fourth behind the United States, the United Kingdom and France. Between 2011 and 2016, the US's investment remained constant at US$57 billion. The UK's investment rose mildly from US$54 billion to US$55 billion. France's dropped from US$52 billion to US$49 billion. China's more than doubled from US$16 billion to US$40 billion. China's direct investment in Africa in 2017 amounted to $3.1 billion, almost 40 times that of 2003. As for trade, China was Africa's biggest trade partner for nine years in a row, with bilateral trade amounting to US$170 billion last year, an increase of 14%. The figure was US$98.8 billion for the first half of this year, an increase of 16%.

In recent years, China's investments and business models in Africa have been challenged by Western commentators. Some have criticised China for caring only about Africa's mineral resources and exploiting the cheap labour there. Furthermore, as China's assistance and investment "do not come with political conditions attached", they have promoted autocratic and kleptocratic regimes, the argument goes. Some have even called Chinese capital and Chinese people in Africa "new colonialism".

Africa's population of 1.25 billion is very young, and it is estimated that it will multiply to five billion in 2050. The latest report by the International Monetary Fund also points out that most of the labour growth in the world over the next 20 years will happen in Africa. This will inevitably attract foreign investment including that from China. However, as there are more than 50 countries in Africa, including the successful ones that have developed rapidly and failing ones that are the poorest in the world, the polarisation is striking. As long as integration remains unfinished, the African market is still full of barriers, with a high level of difficulty of integration and politico-economical risks. As with the Belt and Road Initiative, China's cooperation with and investment in Africa should be handled in a profit-pursuing and harm-avoiding manner, and risk management should be adequate. In recent years, China has begun to cooperate with third parties such as the UK and France on projects in Africa. It can be said that this is a sensible exploration.

中國投資非洲落後歐美 西方關注反映戰略焦慮





