2017年2月15日 星期三

七警罪成公義獲彰顯 警隊社會關係須擺正

<轉載自2017215 明報 社評>
警隊須加強管束 勿露「野性獠牙」
佔領運動距今已有兩年多,有意見認為,七警案拖得太久,裁決來得很遲,不過司法審訊最重要的是公平公正、毋枉毋縱。審訊期間辯方曾提出,案發現場的7人不一定是抬走曾健超的同一批警員,加上抬人過程中,鏡頭有49 秒被擋,不排除有其他可能性,云云。然而法官裁決時強調,反覆翻看所有新聞錄影片段,包括逐格及慢鏡翻看所有影片確認片中人身分,認為證據確鑿,不存在合理疑點,又提到雖然第一第二被告沒有參與襲擊,惟每名警員都有責任停止其他人犯法,同僚犯法亦然。法官明察秋毫,詭辯無所遁形。今次裁決再次證明香港司法制度值得市民信賴。
追究責任非報復 渲染仇警要不得

Justice is served in case of seven police officers
THE SEVEN POLICE OFFICERS who assaulted Ken Tsang — an activist who participated in the 2014 Occupy movement — were found guilty of assault occasioning actual bodily harm yesterday. As the whole incident — from Tsang's provocative splashing of odourous liquid on police officers to the seven policemen's dragging him to a dark corner, where he was beaten up subsequently — had already been caught on film, the evidence against the seven policemen was irrefutable. Our courts have upheld the rule of law with their fair judgements by convicting not only the seven police officers (of the above crimes), but also Tsang himself last year (of assaulting police and resisting arrest). That said, the cases of the seven police and Tsang are only one of the many symbols of the deep divisions and police-citizen confrontations Hong Kong society has witnessed in recent years, since a number of cases involving police-citizen violence have yet to be heard. If every case is handled in a just manner, it will help heal the wounds in society. It will be a long and excruciating process, as many people will see their future go to ruins because of the rashness of their actions, and will be scarred for life. Nevertheless, what society needs to know is that violence is never a solution to problems, and that it must not repeat the same mistakes.
Some people are of the opinion that the hearing of the seven policemen's case had dragged on for too long and should have been decided a long time ago, as it is already two years after the Occupy movement. But we are convinced that a fair trial is more important than anything. During the court hearing, the defence argued that the seven individuals who handcuffed and lifted Tsang could have been other police officers, and that as the camera was blocked for 49 seconds in the footage concerned, there could have been other possibilities. However, in the ruling he delivered, the judge stressed that by reviewing all the footage frame-by-frame and in slow motion, one could ascertain the identities of those people and conclude that the evidence against the seven police was rock-solid. Though the first and second defendants did not take part in the attack, every police officer had the responsibility to stop anyone — including their colleagues — from committing a crime, argued the judge. With his judiciousness, the judge exposed all the sophistry of the defendants. The ruling has once again demonstrated the trustworthiness of Hong Kong's legal system.
In mitigation, the defence said that the police were conceivably under pressure during the Occupy movement from the long duty hours, protesters' provocations and the fact that over a hundred of their colleagues had been injured. However, a police officer has to exercise restraint no matter how infuriated he is from all sorts of provocations he or she receives. True, it is lamentable to see that seven policemen have destroyed their futures with their own hands by acting rashly. But a mistake is a mistake, and there is no way they can shift the blame. We expect the judge to make a decision that will not only be in the spirit of the law and reasonable but also show sympathy when he passes sentence on Friday.
As the major armed force of Hong Kong, the police are responsible for tackling criminals and protecting good citizens. If they fail to exercise restraint, they become the "wild ones". The lamentable lesson of the seven officers must be learnt by police officers of every rank. But the public should at the same time contemplate the ways to mend their relationship with the police force. There are bound to be black sheep in the police force, and they should be disciplined. But stereotyping or stirring up hostility towards the police will only worsen the antagonism between the police and citizens.
The footage of seven policemen beating up a citizen, as well as that of Franklin Chu, a former superintendent, lashing passers-by with a baton is undoubtedly shocking. However, scenes of rioters violently attacking policemen who were down on the ground in the Mong Kok unrest (which occurred on the Chinese New Year Day in 2016) were equally unsettling. Violence must never be supported in a civilised society. Neither does the public want our society to fall into the vicious cycle of tit for tat.
七警罪成公義獲彰顯 警隊社會關係須擺正
佔領運動距今已有兩年多,有意見認為,七警案拖得太久,裁決來得很遲,不過司法審訊最重要的是公平公正。審訊期間辯方曾提出,案發現場的7人不一定是抬走曾健超的同一批警員,加上抬人過程中,鏡頭有49 秒被擋,不排除有其他可能性,云云。然而法官裁決時強調,反覆翻看所有新聞錄影片段,包括逐格及慢鏡翻看所有影片確認片中人身分,認為證據確鑿,又提到雖然第一第二被告沒有參與襲擊,惟每名警員都有責任停止其他人犯法,同僚犯法亦然。法官明察秋毫,詭辯無所遁形。今次裁決再次證明香港司法制度值得市民信賴。


