2017年2月22日 星期三

納米單位急增 不能放任自流

<轉載自2017222 明報 社評>
納米單位呎價瘋狂 發展商不應賺到盡
政府本財政年度積極推地,合共售出22幅住宅用地,提供1.47萬伙,是恢復主動賣地以來新高,預料政府在新一年賣地計劃中,將把多幅住宅用地加入賣地表,延續當前勢頭。市民置業需求殷切,政府當然有責任增加房屋供應平抑樓價,惟同時也必須確保可觀的新增單位數字,不會是靠大量納米單位湊數。何謂納米單位,政府從未設下定義,有建築及測量界人士認為若單位扣除廚廁等面積後,實用樓面面積(Usable Floor Area)低於15平方米(約161方呎),就應視為納米單位。根據屋宇署資料,去年獲批興建的納米樓單位數目急增,達到2657個,較前年增加兩倍,比2012年更飈升逾11倍,更有「愈劏愈細」的趨勢,實用樓面面積細至不足100呎。
單位空間設定下限 可以借鑑外國經驗

Proliferation of nm flats
TODAY (February 22) the government is to unveil this year's budget and land sale plan. It is its top priority now to increase housing supply. However, while it should busy itself with land auctions, the government ought to concern itself with the fact that "nanometre (nm) flats" have proliferated over the past few years.
The number of nm flats has surged. That shows property prices are way beyond ordinary citizens' means. The price of what was once called a "get-aboard offer" or "small-priced flat" has rocketed above $4 million. Therefore, those who want to "get aboard" cannot but choose to buy nm flats. True, it is by free-market laws that nm flats have come about. However, what exists may not be reasonable, much less in citizens' interests or likely to meet the needs of long-term social development.
Flats are only commodities in developers' eyes. Developers' sole concern is "whether you are willing to buy what I offer to sell". They would not consider whether nm flats are so designed as to be suitable for occupation. Seeing that many citizens are eager to "get aboard" and 90% mortgages may be taken out only in respect of flats sold for less than $4 million a unit, developers have hastened to produce nm flats that go for less than $4 million a unit. On the face of it, they do so to help people eager to "get aboard" to realise their dreams of owning their own homes. However, it is worth notice that the actual per-square-foot prices of certain nm flats are ridiculously high. Some are as high as $20,000, way above ordinary per-square-foot prices.
Furthermore, nm flat buyers are mainly people who are young or have small means. Such units are much less appealing than ordinary small flats. If the property bubble bursts, their prices will fall much more sharply, and they will hardly rebound. Then, nm flat owners will certainly suffer badly. That may become a huge social problem. Lest nm flats should become a time bomb, the government should certainly intervene promptly. It must not leave it to market forces to determine everything.
Over the past decade, nm units have been produced in big cities in foreign countries to meet young single people's housing needs. Their authorities rarely look on with folded arms. They may set lower flat size limits and even proactively provide guidance and carry out regulation. For example, in 2012, the municipal government of San Francisco introduced a pilot scheme under which developers were allowed to produce nm flats a little more than 200 square feet in area. However, it was made a requirement that such a flat should have a living space of at least 150 square feet, a toilet and a kitchen. In contrast, the SAR government just takes a hands-off attitude towards nm flats. As a result, smaller and smaller flats have been put on the market, and there is still no definition of "nm flat".
The reason why nm flats have proliferated is that, because the government ceased to make land for a decade, there is a severe housing supply-demand imbalance, and property prices have rocketed. To take away the firewood from under a cauldron to effect a permanent cure, the government must of course hasten to make land available with a view to increasing housing supply. Nevertheless, it has a duty to exercise palliative regulation. For example, it may include lower flat size limits in lease conditions and suitably guide market participants by setting upper flat number limits and taking other measures.
納米單位急增 不能放任自流

