2015年10月12日 星期一

南海激流暗湧 成中美紛爭熱點

<轉載自20151012 明報 社評>
各方勢力紛介入 南海矛盾或激化
日方態度趨高調 圍魏救趙為東海
習近平將訪菲越 軟硬兼抽釜底薪

Hot spot of Sino-US conflict
THE LIGHTHOUSES China had built on two reefs in the South China Sea went on last week. That means China's reef facilities have been completed and will soon be brought into operation. According to UK and US media reports, to express strongly America's rejection of China's claim to sovereignty over some islands Beijing has built there by reclamation, the US Navy may send in two weeks its vessels within twelve nautical miles of them. Harry Harris, who heads the US Pacific Command, has said the military have made preparations for the operation and are only awaiting President Barack Obama's order. As Xi Jinping has just wrapped up his US visit and is to visit Vietnam and attend an annual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in the Philippines next month, the transpiration of the news shows the South China Sea question may well be a new hot spot of Sino-US conflict in the days to come.
It is worth attention that the Japanese government, which used to keep a low profile in the South China Sea, has become more and more active there. Not only has Japan positively stepped up its military cooperation with Vietnam and the Philippines and taken part in a joint US-Philippine military drill, but Tokyo has also come up with the idea of Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force vessels travelling together with US navel ships within twelve nautical miles of China's artificial islands.
As the South China Sea question has to do with China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, one may say there is no way Beijing can give ground about it in any manner. However, China being encircled by its strong enemies, its important plans of economic development and reform and opening-up may be thwarted if it recklessly provokes a war. Therefore, Beijing has all along relied on both hard and soft tactics in dealing with the South China Sea question in the hope of easing external pressure.
Its hard tactic is to refuse to give ground in any manner when it comes to sovereignty. It has rejected the Philippines' suggestion that the South China Sea question be referred to an international court for arbitration. To assert its sovereignty, it has actually carried out large-scale infrastructure projects on South China Sea islets. Its soft tactic is to compromise at multilateral talks. It has agreed to have talks with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) about the formulation of a "South China Sea code of conduct". It has also come to an agreement with Vietnam about managing maritime differences. Last year, it removed its 981 drilling rig after anti-China riots had broken out in Vietnam.
President Xi Jinping is to visit Vietnam next November, and he will attend an APEC summit in Manila in the same month. It may not be possible to end South China Sea disputes once and for all during either visit, but it is at least possible to ease Sino-Vietnamese and Sino-Philippine tension. Next January will see the 12th national congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam, at which one generation will give way to another. Both General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, who is pro-China, and President Truong Tan Sang, who has just criticised China for its stance on the South China Sea question in the United Nations, will then retire. It remains to be seen how new Vietnamese leaders will be disposed towards China. Furthermore, next May will see a presidential election in the Philippines. Two of the three most-supported candidates are affable to China. If China offers to mend fence with the two countries, it can doubtless spirit away what may fuel America's and Japan's intention to intervene in the South China Sea situation.
In the long term, the South China Sea question can only be settled through peace talks between China and its neighbours. A code of conduct ought to be laid down so that peace and tranquillity can be maintained in the region. Once war breaks out in the South China Sea, both China and the US will suffer. Then, as both Vietnam and the Philippines are in the whirlpool of conflict, neither of them can avoid being affected, and the whole ASEAN will be victimised. None would win and, eventually, any hope for Asia-Pacific prosperity would evaporate.
南海激流暗湧 成中美紛爭熱點

