2015年1月23日 星期五

亞視欠薪變成員工欠債 勞資權責顛倒莫此為甚

<轉載自2015123 明報 社評>


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On ATV's lending its employees money

ASIA TELEVISION LIMITED (ATV), which has defaulted on its salary payments, has yet to pay its employees their wages of last December. The latest development has seen a major shareholder in the broadcaster lending money to its employees in the name of a company he owns.

As disclosed by its employees, ATV's management met with some members of the staff one by one on Tuesday last week, and, citing the company's intention of "addressing their pressing needs", urged them to sign receipts acknowledging that they had borrowed money from a company owned by the major shareholder. On doing so an employee would receive a cheque for a sum equal to his salary of last December. He must repay the money if he leaves ATV. We understand that, as the end of the Chinese year is approaching, when there are many claims on one's purse, many ATV employees have signed such IOUs.

Explaining the arrangement, the ATV management claimed that the major shareholder had done so "with the best intentions, trying to help employees in difficulty make ends meet". If the major shareholder had opened his purse to help ATV employees because he could not bear to see them in need, they would have been happy, and he would have won a reputation for being chivalrous. However, what ATV employees have received has not been given gratis. They are the major shareholder's debtors. Not only have they been denied their pay, but they are now in debt too. Try as we may, we cannot see the "best intentions" the ATV management has mentioned. Furthermore, that the major shareholder was willing to lend money to employees shows he has the money to pay them. But he has lent them money instead of paying them. It is evidently more accurate to say he has an axe to grind.

By lending ATV employees money the major shareholder has put himself at an advantage. Under a court order he has to sell a 10.75% stake in ATV. Tenders are now being invited. If, at this particular moment, ATV employees start to leave in droves because they are owed their pay, the sale of the stake will be made under even more unfavourable circumstances. One may say it is the ATV management's first priority to maintain the broadcaster's manpower and keep it in operation. For a mass exodus of its employees will further disincline potential buyers. Furthermore, shareholders in ATV will lose all their interests if it goes into liquidation. Though the ATV management has denied that money has been lent to employees to keep them from leaving, they have in fact been tied down.

For too long ATV has not put the airwaves, which are precious public resources, to good use. This is why there is little real competition in the free-to-air TV market, and this has to do with the fact that Hong Kong TV programmes have become poorer and poorer in quality and the creative industry is at a low ebb. ATV's operation is now such that it can no longer carry out its functions as a free-to-air TV station. We gather that the Communications Authority has recommended that the government should not renew ATV's free-to-air TV licence. The Executive Council should promptly decide what to do with the ATV question so that the airwaves can be put to good use. If it does so, ATV employees will be able to decide what to do and plan their careers and even their lives instead of wasting time because things are uncertain. The message of the ATV lending saga is that its fate should be determined as soon as possible.

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