2015年1月30日 星期五

善用盈餘謀劃未來 勿再寬免公屋租金

<轉載自2015130 明報 社評>


前任派糖形同浪費 現政府勿重蹈覆轍







公屋戶享雙重福利 對私樓租客不公平



Public Housing rent remission

FINANCIAL SECRETARY John Tsang first forecast a surplus of $9.1 billion in this year's budget. However, according to various sources, this year's surplus may reach $60 billion and even top $70 billion, far exceeding the original estimate. The government announced earlier it had put $27 billion from the Exchange Fund into a newly-created Housing Reserve so that the authorities will have the money they need to carry out their plan of building around 300,000 public rental housing (PRH) units and subsidised sale flats in the next decade. This sum taken into consideration, this year's financial surplus will amount nearly to $100 billion. Because of this and the fact that the government's financial reserves will come nearly to $800 billion, it is basically accurate to say the public coffers are flooded with money.

A question has arisen because the government has huge fiscal surpluses: What is the best way to utilise such hard-earned money so that society as a whole will benefit? During his seven-year tenure as Chief Executive, Donald Tsang spent around $200 billion on "sweeteners" and money handouts. However, instead of solving any fundamental problems, he worsened deep-seated contradictions. The Tsang administration had no regard to fiscal discipline. In wasting public resources, it did what has had damaging consequences, which the Leung administration is still working hard to rectify and straighten out. This is a lesson to learn. The Leung administration must not make the same mistake. Resources are not inexhaustible. They should be spent where they are needed instead of being wasted to curry citizens' favour.

The government first granted PRH rent remission in 2008. Over the past seven years, PRH rent remission has been one or two months' rent a tenant a year. It is unofficially estimated that the government has therefore received nearly $12 billion less than it would otherwise have from PRH tenants. Such a large sum of money does not come from nowhere. It is the taxpayer that must eventually foot the bill. The 10-year housing plan, which the government has adopted recently, shows that the Housing Authority is in financial difficulty. Had the large sum of money not been wasted through PRH rent remission, the public financial burden would be lighter.

PRH rents are low. Those in the middle or lower income brackets who have not the good fortune of living in PRH must pay high rents. Therefore, PRH tenancy is a benefit. PRH tenants granted rent remission actually enjoy double benefit. Furthermore, a mechanism is in place under which the Housing Authority can help PRH tenants who for certain reasons are not able to pay their rents duly. As for PRH tenants who are Comprehensive Social Security Assistance recipients, they will not be affected because they are not required to pay any rent.

Populism is now prevalent in the SAR. Politicians concern themselves with what may immediately affect their advantage in elections rather than the long-term general interest. Furthermore, as the District Council elections are to be held this year, political parties and politicians are likely to ingratiate themselves with PRH tenants for their votes. There may be a backlash against the withdrawal of rent remission. The idea will inevitably meet with resistance. However, John Tsang should rise to the challenge and abide by fiscal discipline. He must do the right thing rather than hand out sweeteners or money. It deviates from principles to do either. To promote economic development and allow citizens to live better, the government ought to use its limited resources where they are needed.

善用盈餘謀劃未來 勿再寬免公屋租金






