2014年8月21日 星期四

全民退保不可能迴避 應集中支援有需要者

<轉載自2014821 明報 社評>


建議開徵薪俸老年稅 僱主僱員都要承擔



研究報告建議政府設立的老年金,市民年滿65歲就可以領取,每月3000元,資金來源方面,政府除了一筆過注資500億元作為種子基金,並把現在用於生果金、長者生活津貼及長者綜援中標準金額的開支撥入;另外,報告建議引入「薪俸老年稅」(payroll old age tax),僱主和僱員按僱員薪金數額,分3級累進繳付稅款。


歷來本港只有小部分人納稅,以2011/12課稅年度為例,納稅人口僅163萬,佔全港360萬工作人口45%,當中80%薪俸稅收入來自20萬人,即相當於360萬工作人口的5%。其餘55%工作人口、約200 萬人毋須繳稅。即是說,除了政府的部分,薪俸老年稅基本上由僱主和僱員承擔,納稅打工仔和中小企業最受影響,接下來的討論中,他們必然提出異議。


是否審查都有問題 應以助有需要長者為主軸




Universal retirement protection is indispensable

AN HKU RESEARCH TEAM, commissioned by the government, has come up with a report on the Future Development of Retirement Security in Hong Kong, suggesting a retirement pension for those who have reached 65. The report and its suggestions are likely to re-trigger the debate over a retirement protection scheme.

As an ageing society, Hong Kong has seen an increasingly large proportion of people aged above 75. As pointed out by the HKU report, there are now a million people aged 65 or above. 180,000 of them rely on the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) Scheme for a living, while another 420,000 of them are recipients of the Old Age Living Allowance (OALA). In 2012, one in every three seniors was living below the official poverty line, which is set at 50% of the median household income.

Hong Kong's elderly population will continue to increase in the next 30 years. Millions of them will have difficulty making ends meet. They will find it hard to lead a decent retired life. To this the government and society as a whole should not turn a blind eye. It is incumbent on every party concerned to implement a universal retirement protection scheme allowing seniors in straitened circumstances to lead a decent life. It is even more so in an affluent society like Hong Kong. It will be highly ironic if a large number of seniors have to worry about their lives all day and struggle for a living.

The report suggests a monthly pension of $3,000 payable to those who have reached 65. How will the scheme be funded? The report suggests the government inject a one-off sum of $50 billion into a seed fund, as well as make use of money currently earmarked for "fruit money", for the OALA scheme, and for the standard rates for the CSSA scheme. It also recommends a "payroll old age tax" scheme, under which employers and employees alike will have to pay a tax in a three-tier progressive tax system.

It has been the most sensitive issue how a universal retirement protection scheme can be financed. Our first thought is that a scheme maintained by taxpayers' money can be a stable and sustainable one.

But research also shows that a scheme like this, achievable as it is, will basically run out of money in the year 2042 under the suggested fiscal arrangements. For the scheme to continue, additional resources will be needed. On the other hand, seniors aged above 65 are projected to reach 2.56 million in that year. It is a definite sign of the urgency of Hong Kong's retirement protection problem. We are convinced that, after the scheme has started, we will have the wisdom to tackle what will happen to it in 28 years. The problem of an ageing population, as well as the debate over a universal retirement protection scheme, simply will not go away if we do nothing about them - although we will be saved from the need to top up a scheme that has dried up. Hong Kong people are faced with a reality and a decision that no one can shy away from.

全民退保不可能迴避 應集中支援有需要者




研究報告建議政府設立的老年金,市民年滿65歲就可以領取,每月3000元,資金來源方面,政府除了一筆過注資500億元作為種子基金,並把現在用於生果金、長者生活津貼及長者綜援中標準金額的開支撥入;另外,報告建議引入「薪俸老年稅」(payroll old age tax),僱主和僱員按僱員薪金數額,分3級累進繳付稅款。



