2024年4月24日 星期三

美國維護霸權秩序 援外法案助長戰火

<轉載自2024425 明報 社評>


國家利益選舉政治交織 兩院綑綁通過援外法案





「援烏援以」達成妥協 反華成兩黨最大共識


冷戰結束後,美國致力建立以自身利益為中心的霸權秩序,伸張「美利堅治世」( Pax Americana)。30年過去,隨着國際力量消長,世界走向多極化,英國歷史學家佛格森(Niall Ferguson)認為,美利堅治世在歐洲、中東和亞洲都面臨挑戰,並體現於烏克蘭、以色列和台灣命運之上。從這一角度看,今次美國兩院將援烏援以援台法案綑綁通過,貫穿其中的其實就是維護美利堅治世。雖然「援以」方案加入了人道援助巴人的內容,但其本質始終是支持以色列對付伊朗等區內敵對勢力;援台方案是為台獨張目,遏制中國;援烏則是鼓勵烏克蘭繼續打下去,消耗俄羅斯國力,兩敗俱傷無所謂。世界百年不遇變局,不一定要走上戰爭之路,問題是美方似乎認為,只要能夠維護美國霸權,其他地方血流成河又「與我何干」。

US Congress's Passage of Foreign Aid Bill

THE TWO HOUSES of the US Congress have successively passed a foreign-related package worth nearly US$100 billion, providing aid to the governments of Ukraine, Israel and Taipei and mandating the sale of the video-sharing platform TikTok. President Joe Biden has stated that he will sign the bill to bring it into effect.

Gaza and Ukraine are the two battlefields that attract the most attention in the world today. The war in Gaza entered its 200th day on Tuesday, but a ceasefire is still not in sight. Gaza's health department states that the accumulated death toll has exceeded 30,000 and hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced. European Union officials state that over 60% of the physical infrastructure in Gaza has been damaged, and 35% has been fully destroyed. Earlier this year, the World Bank and the United Nations assessed the damage in Gaza and estimated that it would cost about US$90 billion to rebuild Gaza. It is estimated that the amount needed will be even greater for Gaza's reconstruction.

As for the war between Russia and Ukraine, the fighting has lasted over two years, causing enormous casualties to both sides. It is estimated that the two sides have lost thousands of soldiers each. In terms of economic and military might, Ukraine is no match for Russia. If the war of attrition drags on, Ukraine will be at a particular disadvantage.

The US is having an election later this year. Concerning the foreign aid bill, the US Senate and House of Representatives have chosen to adopt a rather complicated way to "package" it, which involves a basket of foreign-related bills. This itself is the product of a lot of electoral and political calculations. The Biden administration and the Democratic Party had been planning to allocate funding to support Ukraine against Russia's invasion since last summer. However, Donald Trump and his right-wing faction of the Republican Party, the so-called "MAGA" (which stands for the slogan "Make America Great Again") supporters, were strongly against supporting Ukraine, believing that the US should not "foot the bill of others".

Then war broke out in Gaza last October. Conservative voters in the US mostly supported Israel, and the Republican Party took advantage of the situation. However, the Israeli army's mass killings led to dissatisfaction among progressive voters in the US, and the Democratic Party was caught between a rock and a hard place concerning aiding Israel.

Furthermore, the two parties are at loggerheads over refugees at the US-Mexico border, which also complicates the issue of aiding Israel and Ukraine. As Biden needed to pay proper regard to the humanitarian stance of progressive Democratic lawmakers on immigration, Republicans homed in on the issue to attack Biden and the Democratic Party so as to please conservative voters. As partisan politics put US aid to Ukraine and Israel on hold, the packaging of a number of seemingly wildly unrelated bills as a compromise for each side became the way out.

After the end of the Cold War, the US was committed to establishing a hegemonic order revolving around its own interests. Therefore, it promoted "Pax Americana". 30 years on, with the rise and fall of different powers in the international arena, the world has become multipolar. Niall Ferguson, a British historian, argues that Pax Americana is facing challenges in Europe, the Middle East and Asia, and this will be reflected in the fates of Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. Seen from this perspective, the bill passed by the US Senate and House of Representatives to support Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan has a common theme that runs through it — the preservation of Pax Americana.

美國維護霸權秩序 援外法案助長戰火







冷戰結束後,美國致力建立以自身利益為中心的霸權秩序,伸張「美利堅治世」(Pax Americana)。30年過去,隨着國際力量消長,世界走向多極化,英國歷史學家佛格森(Niall Ferguson)認為,美利堅治世在歐洲、中東和亞洲都面臨挑戰,並體現於烏克蘭、以色列和台灣命運之上。從這一角度看,今次美國兩院將援烏援以援台法案綑綁通過,貫穿其中的其實就是維護美利堅治世。

