2024年3月17日 星期日

突發事件管理採訪失誤事小 處理輿論監督不得其法事大

<轉載自2024318 明報 社評>


推搡記者驅離現場手法粗暴 道歉聲明避重就輕難息民憤







疫情期間封城造成民怨沸騰 尊重知情權是最好處置手法




Proper Handling of Supervision by Public Opinion on the Mainland

AN EXPLOSION erupted last week in Sanhe City, Hebei Province, which killed seven people and injured 27 others. At the scene, CCTV reporters covering the explosion were roughly dispersed by police and people working there. Footage showing the incident is widely circulated on the internet, causing an uproar across the country.

The gas leakage and explosion occurred in Sanhe City, Langfang, which is adjacent to Beijing. Reporters from several media outlets rushed to the scene to cover the incident, only to be driven away by police and workers there. Afterwards, the Sanhe government released a statement, explaining that rescuers discovered ''the risk of leakage remained at the site of the incident'', so they recommended that ''all non-rescue personnel retreat beyond the cordon''. This explanation is reasonable and justified.

The statement also said, ''The front-line staff had poor communication skills, and their methods were rough and unsophisticated. This caused misunderstandings among journalists and doubts from the public, resulting in adverse social effects''. But there was nothing more. Such clarification is evading the important and dwelling on the trivial.

When handling emergencies at a scene, the reasonable practice is to form a cordon and keep non-rescue personnel off the area. This not only ensures that rescue personnel are not being hindered from saving lives and helping the wounded, but also prevents the occurrence of derivative accidents. In this incident, the cordon was formed 500 metres away from the explosion. It is questionable whether such a wide area should be cordoned off.

If there was indeed a sudden discovery and dangerous elements were spreading, the journalists should have complied with the widening of the warning area. As the reporter's coverage came to an abrupt end afterwards, it is impossible to know whether the leakage of natural gas did spread further and whether the explanation of the Sanhe government was reasonable.

It is not uncommon for mainland local governments to treat reporters roughly, refuse to respond to questions from reporters at the scene, and only issue post-incident ''official reports'' to briefly explain what happened and how the matter was resolved. What is rare this time is that immediately after the incident, the All-China Journalists Association issued an online statement titled ''Legitimate coverage is the right of journalists''.

In the statement, the association states that when a major safety incident occurs, the public is keen to get more information. It says journalists' professional coverage can address public concerns and stop the spread of rumours. Journalists' professional coverage does not complicate matters; information circulating on the internet, in contrast, can easily lead to rumours. The association asks, ''Can a press release really substitute for coverage at the scene?'' It also pleads for ''efforts to facilitate journalists' coverage'', adding that ''one should not simple-mindedly and roughly prevent journalists from discharging their normal duties in order to control public opinion''.

China is a unitary state, with all power coming from the government. It is entirely up to the government when and how much power is delegated. Accepting the supervision of public opinion should not be empty words or merely a slogan. Proper supervision by public opinion will not only ensure social events are handled properly, but also be integral to building a harmonious society together with the people.

突發事件管理採訪失誤事小 處理輿論監督不得其法事大









