2023年10月19日 星期四

一帶一路踏上新征途 軟聯通可成香港機遇

<轉載自20231019 明報 社評>


一帶一路追求高質發展 路遙知馬力毋懼潑髒水


舉例說, 部分參與帶路合作的發展中國家,內部未必非常穩定,政權更替、經濟危機、社會動盪可能影響合作,風險管理須做好;另外,運輸和能源基建匱乏,往往是窒礙這些國家發展的因素,正如古特雷斯昨天所言,沒有基礎設施就沒有發展,帶路基建合作,絕對可以幫上忙,但修築水壩鐵路等大型項目,處理若有差池,也容易引發糾紛。西方政客及輿論常向帶路倡議潑冷水,「債務陷阱」一類說法鋪天蓋地,也為帶路倡議增添障礙。昨天高峰論壇,印尼總統佐科說了一句帶路發展項目「不得使(國家)財政狀况複雜化」,便被一些外媒拿來做文章。

美國學者布勞蒂加姆(Deborah Brautigam)早於帶路倡議提出之前,已在研究中國對外經貿。就着所謂「債務陷阱」之說,她和另一美國學者合作撰文,大字標題「中國的債務陷阱是虛構的」。兩人以斯里蘭卡的漢班托塔港(Hambantota)作為案例,指出那原本是西方企業認定大有前景的港口項目,欲由興建到營運一手包辦,只因金融海嘯等原因,未能成事,結果中國「冷手執個熱煎堆」,換言之,這可不是中方刻意誘騙斯國墮入的陷阱。後來斯國因為經濟策略過於冒進,陷入債務危機,但根源不在中國,日本和世銀都是比中國更大的債主;漢班托塔港的債務,也不是導致斯國債務違約的原因,斯國2017年將港口以99年租期租給中資企業,是為了獲得注資,還錢給其他債主,而這種租管營運模式,其實正是西方企業當年磋商建設漢班托塔港時所要求的。



共建一帶一路 香港急起直追


A New Chapter for the Belt and Road Initiative

THE BELT AND ROAD FORUM for International Cooperation was convened in Beijing to mark the 10th anniversary of the initiative. Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed an eight-point action plan to support the high-quality joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

The BRI was first proposed in 2013. Over the past ten years, many countries have supported it or echoed the call. The initiative extends from the Eurasian continent to Africa and Latin America. Over 150 countries and more than 30 international organisations have signed cooperation documents to jointly build the Belt and Road. Cooperation on the BRI is happening all over the world. Not every result might be obvious or get widely reported by the media, but it does not mean that there has not been respectable progress. Those who still query whether the BRI is just a bombastic slogan at present are perhaps divorced from reality. At the same time, ten years into the BRI, there are a lot of experiences that need to be summed up so as to build on the past and create the future.

For example, some developing countries participating in BRI cooperation may not be very stable internally. As regime changes, economic crises and social unrest may affect cooperation, adequate risk management is necessary. In addition, the lack of transportation and energy infrastructure is often a factor that hinders the development of these countries. Western politicians and analysts often pour cold water on the BRI, and allegations of "debt traps" are widespread. This also presents obstacles to the BRI.

Smearing the BRI, the West has often accused it of not being transparent enough and bringing damage to the environment. The eight-point action plan proposes promoting green development, building a road free of corruption and advancing scientific and technological innovation. On the one hand, this plan is a response to these accusations. On the other hand, it also reflects that the BRI has entered a new stage in which goals such as high-quality development and emphasis on good governance are pursued. All this shows that the theory and practice of the BRI are becoming increasingly well-developed.

Over the past decade, Hong Kong has not played an obvious role in the BRI. As the international situation has changed dramatically in recent years, and the West is reversing globalisation, Hong Kong urgently needs to explore new space to promote economic development and industrial transformation. The BRI will need to extend from hard connectivity to soft connectivity. Hong Kong can make good use of its advantages in different professional fields and promote international exchanges. The opportunity is right in front of Hong Kong and the city must seize it properly. Hong Kong can certainly play a role in innovation and technology cooperation, green finance, legal arbitration and other areas. It must also strive to promote cultural exchanges and use its soft power well.

When talking about the achievements of cultural exchanges along the Belt and Road, Xi Jinping mentioned a charitable medical project first launched by a Hong Kong group. In the project, trains are used as mobile eye hospitals and travel all over the country. As China promotes the BRI, the mobile train medical team has also gone international, heading into countries such as Myanmar and Vietnam and performing surgeries to restore the sight of thousands of people. This is quite a successful experience, which also shows that there are many ways for Hong Kong to play a role in the joint construction of the BRI.

一帶一路踏上新征途 軟聯通可成香港機遇







